What is Functional Medicine?
What is Functional Medicine (FM)? A science-based, personalized healthcare approach, FM manages the underlying cause of dis-ease. Functional medicine is as much a science as an art: Dr. Janine considers all the pieces of your health puzzle in order to craft individually tailored therapies, designed to restore your health and improve the overall function of your body. Her thorough intake and evaluation enables her to customize your program based on your health history, lab testing, lifestyle, environment, and goals.
There is more to health than just simply alleviating symptoms.
Functional medicine understands a person’s health as a unique interplay between our body systems and how they integrate with one another. Our fluid overall bodily function is a series of processes that move both forwards and backwards, but the backwards motion should not necessarily be seen as negative: The function of some processes may increase or decrease in order to achieve optimal balance. Occurring naturally over time, the trajectory of adaptation is, in part, determined by the unique interaction of an individual’s genome (all your genetic information within your body) with their physical environment, diet, and lifestyle choices.
Dr. Janine provides a system-oriented partnership that establishes a therapeutic relationship with the patient. Rather than focus on disease labels, she seeks to learn -- together with her patient -- more about the dynamic processes that resulted in the person’s dysfunction and that may lead to illness or dis-ease.
What exactly does “dis-ease” mean?
“Dis” is a Latin prefix meaning “having a privative, negative, separation or taking apart.” “Ease” stems from the Old French “aiser” meaning, “alleviate, mitigate, relieve from pain.” If you are at ease, you are relaxed, balanced, and/or not in pain.
When we put it together, when our physical self experiences “dis-ease,” it is in a state of imbalance which, over time, can have a negative effect on both the structure and function within the human body. These imbalances can result in adverse symptoms affecting us not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, ultimately, impacting our overall outlook and quality of life.
In order to determine what is driving a particular state of dis-ease, Dr. Janine typically approaches each patient with three questions in mind:
The functional medicine model uses a holistic, balanced approach to remove what may be driving imbalances while simultaneously providing what is needed to restore optimal function. A simple yet effective health model, it leads us to minimize what is harmful, maximize what is needed, and prioritize the healing environment to facilitate each person’s bio-individuality and uniqueness.
Functional Medicine and Nutrition
Heal through food
Nutrition cannot be one-size-fits-all. Humans are unique individuals with specific genetic cocktails, health history, lifestyle, spiritual and/or emotional profiles that require customized strategies to achieve and sustain optimal health.
A powerful cornerstone to functional medicine, functional nutrition aims to address the root causes of diseases and system imbalances by restoring function through food, lifestyle choices, and supplement interventions.
During a consultation, Dr. Janine first employs a thorough evaluation to craft a customized approach to your healing. This may include but is not limited to:​
A comprehensive health history
Review of diet, lifestyle and exercise habits
Organ system review + interconnectedness
Review of previous conventional labs
Medication and supplement history
Review of any functional medicine + nutrition testing